UPDATE – New Carta Porte Logic Beginning January 1, 2024, EDI Ready to Receive Additional Information

Nov 3, 2023

As previously communicated, the Mexican Tax Authority (SAT) will be enforcing the new Carta Porte compliance rules on January 1, 2024. BNSF, in conjunction with the railroad industry, will require all shipments moving in/out of Mexico to include the commodity description, package type and quantity for each product as well as a 24-hour point of contact for an immediate response to information questions. Additionally, beginning on January 15, 2024, hazardous material shipments will be required to provide Mexico Hazardous Packaging Code (MHP) and Mexico Unit Packaging Code (MCP) as outlined in our prior communication.

BNSF systems are ready to accept the additional Carta Porte information via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) as well as in our Shipping Instructions application. More information about Carta Porte requirements can be found in the AAR Carta Porte Supplement

Please reference the BNSF General Shipping Instructions and Routing Materials to assist in adding Carta Porte information. If you have questions about Carta Porte, please contact your BNSF marketing representative or BNSF Customer Support via Message Us or call (888) 428-2673 (when prompted, say “Mexico Customs”).

Your business is important to us. Thank you for choosing BNSF Railway as your transportation service provider.